Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile
Our Commitment
ISO 9001 Registered
Products and Services
Laser Inscription
Diamond Grading
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Gem Scan was incorporated in 1985 as an independent jewellery appraisal laboratory providing gem identification and appraisal services to the jewellery trade and public. Our laboratory is fully equipped with state of the art gemological equipment as well as laser inscription technology for diamonds. Contacts within the trade across Canada and the United States provide Gem Scan with accurate, up-to-date market prices for diamonds, gems and the manufacturing of jewellery.

Gem Scan services are utilized by Canada's largest retail jewellery chains, diamond importers and wholesalers, independent retail jewelry stores, jewellery manufactures, lawyers, accountants, insurance brokers and the public consumer.

Gem Scan is committed to being on the leading edge of the appraising and gemological profession by continually upgrading our skills and keeping abreast of all gemological discoveries and breakthroughs.

Appraisers at Gem Scan are highly qualified Gemologists with years of appraising experience. Appraisers have also attained the additional title of Accredited Appraiser. This is the highest recognized distinction awarded in Canada to a certified gemologist by the Canadian Jewellers Institute. This allows us to maintain the highest degree of professionalism and ethics.